Messenger Dolls

The Original Messenger Doll carries a quiver, but not arrows. It is designed to hold a message, a love note, birthday or anniversary wishes, an invitation, wedding vows, any kind words you wish to share or keep to yourself. Each doll has a twine loop in the back so it can be affixed to the wall in a special corner of your home or office. Each doll is unique. 10″ high.

The Heart Messenger came to life around Valentines’ Day, but it is suitable for any occasion when you wish to express your affection. It even carries a stylish, blank card for a short quote, love note or thank you. It is fashioned of twine with a large bead for a head. The lack of specific facial features does not prevent this little guy’s personality and joy from shining through. 6″ High.

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1 thought on “Messenger Dolls

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